System Templates
NeosGoal allows the users to override almost all the default templates all site-wide, giving users the power to change the look and feel of the app.
Templates can override other default templates by specifying which template is going to be replaced.

As cases can be very different from one another, depending of the tracker templates can be different. The approach we took at NeosGoal was to create basic templates:
These templates can be extended to completely rewrite the default template or replace only the needed blocks:
- Create Case
{% block create_issue_content %}: All the content of the form but the default Javascript code.
{% block create_issue_extra_fields_pre %}: content between default fields & timelog fields.
{% block create_issue_extra_fields %}: content after Description textarea.
{% block create_issue_after_content %}: content after the form.
- Update Case
{% block update_issue_before_content %}: Content before the form.
{% block update_issue_content %}: All the content of the form but the default Javascript code.
{% block extra_issue_form_field %}: Space for extra fields/custom fields.
{% block update_issue_extra_fields_pre %}: content between custom fields & timelog fields.
{% block update_issue_extra_fields %}: content after Description textarea.
{% block update_issue_after_content %}: content after the form.
- Issue
{% block issue_main_content %}: case default content.
{% block issue_custom_fields %}: space where custom fields are rendered.
{% block issue_extra_description %}: content after description.
{% block issue_sencondary_content %}: extra content found after the standard case information.
{% block issue_extra_content %}: content found at the bottom of the page, after updates.
Froala Templates
Users can create templates for when they’re writing long texts and the Froala editor is activated.